How to Manage Pubic Symphysis Pain During Pregnancy
What can we, as Pelvic Floor Therapists do to help you with your pain? We would first do a full body assessment to determine what imbalances could be leading to your pain. Most often this leads to treatment of myofascial release to inner thighs, glutes, and lower abdominals followed by strengthening to create more stability within the front of the pelvis! This is commonly done by prescribing exercises that strengthen your Anterior Oblique Sling, such as opposite abdominals muscles to opposite side adductor muscles with specific movements. We will also provide education on ways we can manage your symptoms other than exercise!
Postpartum Depression: Symptoms and Signs
For some of you, you brought a tiny little life into the world. For others of you, you are struggling with the invisible hurt of miscarrying, having a stillborn birth. Not bringing your baby home. There is A LOT going on inside of you and around you...and you’re not broken.
5 Ways to Improve Your Pelvic Floor Postpartum
Days after going through labor and delivery, whether it was a vaginal or c-section delivery, can make you question what the heck is going on “down there”. Read below for 5 things you can safely do immediately postpartum for your pelvic floor!
Running When Your Vagina is Falling Out…Or Feels Like It Is
Running with pelvic organ prolapse postpartum