How to Manage Pubic Symphysis Pain During Pregnancy
What can we, as Pelvic Floor Therapists do to help you with your pain? We would first do a full body assessment to determine what imbalances could be leading to your pain. Most often this leads to treatment of myofascial release to inner thighs, glutes, and lower abdominals followed by strengthening to create more stability within the front of the pelvis! This is commonly done by prescribing exercises that strengthen your Anterior Oblique Sling, such as opposite abdominals muscles to opposite side adductor muscles with specific movements. We will also provide education on ways we can manage your symptoms other than exercise!
5 Tips to Spice up your Sex Life
There can be a variety of reasons why we may have pain with intimacy! You should know that pain with intimacy is NEVER normal! Top 5 tips for improving pain with intimacy!
Is Anal Sex Safe?
Is it safe to play in the back floor? Join this discussion with a pelvic floor physical therapist.
What Can I Expect At My First Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Appointment?
Know exactly what to expect at that first session. The HOPE Docs do things differently - and we do them exactly how you deserve!